Skrypt do tłumaczenia phpBB3
Witam. Mam zaszczyt przedstawić Wam narzędzie do tłumaczenia phpBB3 o nazwie i18n -
Mimo faktu posiadania paczki z praktycznie w pełni przetłumaczonym phpBB3, nie spoczywamy na laurach. Mamy świadomość, że tłumaczenie wymaga jeszcze wiele pracy i poprawek. Doszliśmy tez do wniosku, że najlepszym sposobem na podniesienie jakości tłumaczenia, jest zezwolenie na jego edycję użytkownikom forum, czyli osobom mającym związek z phpBB3. Wszystkie dodane czy też zaktualizowane przez Was tekst zostaną oznaczone jako "do zatwierdzenia". Te następnie przejdą moderację i jeśli nie będzie żadnych przeciwwskazań, od razu pojawią się w aktualnej paczce. Narzędzie to jest póki co w wersji beta, dlatego mogą pojawić się błędy/literówki w plikach.
Aktualną paczkę prosto z narzędzia pobrać można za pomocą linka:,download.html Paczka ta jest aktualizowana raz na 10 minut.
Narzędzie jest przystosowane do wersji 3.0.8, jednakże polskie langi wymagają minimalnych poprawek. Wieczorem wkleję tutaj listę zmiennych, które trzeba przejrzeć, aby tłumaczenie było już w pełni kompletne.
PS. pomysł na wykonanie narzędzia oraz kod (w większości) są autorstwa Dabroza. Ja zająłem się przepisaniem kodu (był strasznie chaotyczny), dostosowaniem go do najnowszej paczki oraz aktualizacją langów.
Quba | 29 Lis 2010, 16:57
Zmiany między phpBB 3.0.7-PL1 a 3.0.8, które należy uwzględnić w narzędziu (resztę zdążyłem już sam poprawić):
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 286
'ACP_VC_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can select and configure CAPTCHA plugins, which implement various ways to reject registration attempts from so-called spambots.',
'AVAILABLE_CAPTCHAS' => 'Available plugins',
'CAPTCHA_UNAVAILABLE' => 'The CAPTCHA cannot be selected as its requirements are not met.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_3D' => 'GD 3D Captcha',
'CAPTCHA_GD_EXPLAIN' => 'Use GD to make a more advanced CAPTCHA.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FOREGROUND_NOISE_EXPLAIN' => 'Use foreground noise to make the GD based CAPTCHA harder.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_X_GRID' => 'GD CAPTCHA background noise x-axis',
'CAPTCHA_GD_X_GRID_EXPLAIN' => 'Use lower settings of this to make the GD based CAPTCHA harder. 0 will disable x-axis background noise.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_Y_GRID' => 'GD CAPTCHA background noise y-axis',
'CAPTCHA_GD_Y_GRID_EXPLAIN' => 'Use lower settings of this to make the GD based CAPTCHA harder. 0 will disable y-axis background noise.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE' => 'GD CAPTCHA wave distortion',
'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE_EXPLAIN' => 'This applies a wave distortion to the CAPTCHA.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_3D_NOISE' => 'Add 3D-noise objects',
'CAPTCHA_GD_3D_NOISE_EXPLAIN' => 'This adds additional objects to the CAPTCHA, over the letters.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FONTS' => 'Use different fonts',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FONTS_EXPLAIN' => 'This setting controls how many different letter shapes are used. You can just use the default shapes or introduce altered letters. Adding lowercase letters is also possible.',
'CAPTCHA_FONT_NEW' => 'New Shapes',
'CAPTCHA_FONT_LOWER' => 'Also use lowercase',
'CAPTCHA_NO_GD' => 'CAPTCHA without GD',
'CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_MSG' => 'Your changes to the visual confirmation setting were not saved. This is just a preview.',
'CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_EXPLAIN' => 'The CAPTCHA as it would look like using the current selection.',
'CAPTCHA_SELECT' => 'Installed CAPTCHA plugins',
'CAPTCHA_SELECT_EXPLAIN' => 'The dropdown holds the CAPTCHA plugins recognized by the board. Gray entries are not available right now and might need configuration prior to use.',
'CAPTCHA_CONFIGURE_EXPLAIN' => 'Change the settings for the selected CAPTCHA.',
'CONFIGURE' => 'Configure',
'CAPTCHA_NO_OPTIONS' => 'This CAPTCHA has no configuration options.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_POST' => 'Enable visual confirmation for guest postings',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_POST_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires anonymous users to enter a random code matching an image to help prevent mass postings.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG' => 'Enable visual confirmation for registrations',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires new users to enter a random code matching an image to help prevent mass registrations.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH' => 'Enable users to refresh the confirmation image',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request new confirmation codes, if they are unable to solve the VC during registration. Some plugins might not support this option.',
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'ACP_VC_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can select and configure plugins, which are designed to block automated form submissions by spambots. These plugins typically work by challenging the user with a <em>CAPTCHA</em>, a test which is designed to be difficult for computers to solve.',
'AVAILABLE_CAPTCHAS' => 'Available plugins',
'CAPTCHA_UNAVAILABLE' => 'The plugin cannot be selected as its requirements are not met.',
'CAPTCHA_GD' => 'GD image',
'CAPTCHA_GD_3D' => 'GD 3D image',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FOREGROUND_NOISE' => 'Foreground noise',
'CAPTCHA_GD_EXPLAIN' => 'Uses GD to make a more advanced anti-spambot image.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FOREGROUND_NOISE_EXPLAIN' => 'Use foreground noise to make the image harder to read.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_X_GRID' => 'Background noise x-axis',
'CAPTCHA_GD_X_GRID_EXPLAIN' => 'Use lower settings of this to make the image harder to read. 0 will disable x-axis background noise.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_Y_GRID' => 'Background noise y-axis',
'CAPTCHA_GD_Y_GRID_EXPLAIN' => 'Use lower settings of this to make the image harder to read. 0 will disable y-axis background noise.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE' => 'Wave distortion',
'CAPTCHA_GD_WAVE_EXPLAIN' => 'This applies a wave distortion to the image.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_3D_NOISE' => 'Add 3D-noise objects',
'CAPTCHA_GD_3D_NOISE_EXPLAIN' => 'This adds additional objects to the image, over the letters.',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FONTS' => 'Use different fonts',
'CAPTCHA_GD_FONTS_EXPLAIN' => 'This setting controls how many different letter shapes are used. You can just use the default shapes or introduce altered letters. Adding lowercase letters is also possible.',
'CAPTCHA_FONT_NEW' => 'New Shapes',
'CAPTCHA_FONT_LOWER' => 'Also use lowercase',
'CAPTCHA_NO_GD' => 'Simple image',
'CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_MSG' => 'Your changes have not been saved, this is just a preview.',
'CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_EXPLAIN' => 'The plugin as it would look like using the current selection.',
'CAPTCHA_SELECT' => 'Installed plugins',
'CAPTCHA_SELECT_EXPLAIN' => 'The dropdown holds the plugins recognised by the board. Grey entries are not available right now and might need configuration prior to use.',
'CAPTCHA_CONFIGURE' => 'Configure plugins',
'CAPTCHA_CONFIGURE_EXPLAIN' => 'Change the settings for the selected plugin.',
'CONFIGURE' => 'Configure',
'CAPTCHA_NO_OPTIONS' => 'This plugin has no configuration options.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_POST' => 'Enable spambot countermeasures for guest postings',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_POST_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires guest users to pass the anti-spambot task to help prevent automated postings.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG' => 'Enable spambot countermeasures for registrations',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires new users to pass the anti-spambot task to help prevent automated registrations.',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH' => 'Allow users to refresh the anti-spambot task',
'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request a new anti-spambot task if they are unable to solve the currunt task during registration. Some plugins might not support this option.',
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 74
'DELETE_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected imageset from the database. Additionally, if you have permission you can elect to remove the set from the filesystem. Please note that there is no undo capability. When the imageset is deleted it is gone for good. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.',
'DELETE_STYLE' => 'Delete style',
'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. You cannot remove all the style elements from here. These must be deleted individually via their respective forms. Take care in deleting styles there is no undo facility.',
'DELETE_TEMPLATE' => 'Delete template',
'DELETE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected template set from the database. Additionally, if you have permission you can elect to remove the set from the filesystem. Please note that there is no undo capability. When the templates are deleted they are gone for good. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.',
'DELETE_THEME' => 'Delete theme',
'DELETE_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected theme from the database. Additionally, if you have permission you can elect to remove the theme from the filesystem. Please note that there is no undo capability. When the theme is deleted it is gone for good. It is recommended that you first export your theme for possible future use.',
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'DELETE_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected imageset from the database. Please note that there is no undo capability. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.',
'DELETE_STYLE' => 'Delete style',
'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. You cannot remove all the style elements from here. These must be deleted individually via their respective forms. Take care when deleting styles, there is no undo facility.',
'DELETE_TEMPLATE' => 'Delete template',
'DELETE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected template set from the database. Please note that there is no undo capability. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.',
'DELETE_THEME' => 'Delete theme',
'DELETE_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected theme from the database. Please note that there is no undo capability. It is recommended that you first export your theme for possible future use.',
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 45
'QUESTIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'During registration, users will be asked one of the questions specified here. To use this plugin, at least one question must be set in the default language. These questions should be easy for your target audience to answer, but beyond the ability of a bot capable of running a Google™ search. Using a large and regulary changed set of questions will yield the best results. Enable the strict setting if your question relies on punctuation or capitalisation.',
'QUESTION_DELETED' => 'Question deleted',
'QUESTION_LANG' => 'Language',
'QUESTION_LANG_EXPLAIN' => 'The language that this question and its answers are written in.',
'QUESTION_STRICT' => 'Strict check',
'QUESTION_STRICT_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled, capitalisation and whitespace will also be enforced.',
'QUESTION_TEXT' => 'Question',
'QUESTION_TEXT_EXPLAIN' => 'The question that will be asked on registration.',
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'QUESTIONS_EXPLAIN' => 'For every form submission where you have enabled the Q&A plugin, users will be asked one of the questions specified here. To use this plugin at least one question must be set in the default language. These questions should be easy for your target audience to answer but beyond the ability of a bot capable of running a Google™ search. Using a large and regularly changed set of questions will yield the best results. Enable the strict setting if your question relies on mixed case, punctuation or whitespace.',
'QUESTION_DELETED' => 'Question deleted',
'QUESTION_LANG' => 'Language',
'QUESTION_LANG_EXPLAIN' => 'The language this question and its answers are written in.',
'QUESTION_STRICT' => 'Strict check',
'QUESTION_STRICT_EXPLAIN' => 'Enable to enforce mixed case, punctuation and whitespace.',
'QUESTION_TEXT' => 'Question',
'QUESTION_TEXT_EXPLAIN' => 'The question presented to the user.',
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 302
'LOGIN_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN' => 'To prevent brute forcing accounts the board requires you to enter a confirmation code after a maximum amount of failed logins. The code is displayed in the image you should see below. If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the %sBoard Administrator%s.',
'LOGIN_ERROR_ATTEMPTS' => 'You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to enter the confirm code from the image you see below.',
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'LOGIN_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN' => 'To prevent brute forcing accounts the board requires you to enter a confirmation code after a maximum amount of failed logins. The code is displayed in the image you should see below. If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the %sBoard Administrator%s.', // unused
'LOGIN_ERROR_ATTEMPTS' => 'You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to solve the CAPTCHA below.',
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 126
'DB_HOST_EXPLAIN' => 'DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs.',
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------
'DB_HOST_EXPLAIN' => 'DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs. On PostgreSQL, use localhost to connect to the local server via UNIX domain socket and to connect via TCP.',
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------------------
# Around Line 213
<li>MySQL 3.23 or above (MySQLi supported)</li>
<li>PostgreSQL 7.3+</li>
<li>SQLite 2.8.2+</li>
<li>Firebird 2.1+</li>
<li>MS SQL Server 2000 or above (directly or via ODBC)</li>
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------
<li>MS SQL Server 2005 or above (native)</li>
Angielskie langi w narzędziu są już oczywiście w poprawnej wersji. Chodzi tylko o zanotowanie lekkich zmian, jakie miały miejsce i zaaplikowanie ich do i18n. Przeważnie będzie to lekka zmiana struktury zdania bądź dodanie czegoś po przecinku.
Do tego jest kilka nowych langów, które nie są obecnie przetłumaczone (klikamy skip already translated, a następnie wybieramy stronę, po czym ukażą nam się nieprzetłumaczone langi bądź też nic - jeśli na owej stronie wszystko zostało przetłumaczone).